Thursday, 31 December 2009

Through Salisbury Wylye > Nadder > Avon

A Local paddler describes a 12 km trip through Salisbury, from Quidhampton (on the Wylye) to Bodenham
Three of us ran this at high water levels in December 2009. We put in at at the bridge over Wylye on A3094 - Netherhampton Rd at SU106 309 and took out at Bodenham, South of Longford Castle, where a road runs alongside the river Avon at: SU 170 258

There were some tree strainers and a few low bridges for the unwary - but no real difficulties. The weir at Longford Castle was washed out.

We were challenged near the sewage outfall at Petersfinger by a man who said we were on his land (we were, of course, not – as we were on the river). He looked very angry and took out his mobile and started calling someone whilst running off towards a large farm / house. We expected to be confronted at the Longford Castle Bridge but were not. We passed quite a few fishermen around Salisbury - but had no problems -everyone else was polite.

Route directions were, more or less, keep left whenever there is a choice
River Wylye Put In At A3094 Bridge Quidhampton SU106309
Shortly after launching on the Wylye you join the River Nadder and pass another possible get-in, park at SU120 306 opposite Bemerton ChurchKeep left more or less every time the river splits and pass under a number of bridges (some quite low at high water levels)
River Nadder after Bemerton
Tree Strainer on the Nadder
River Nadder below Churchfields
Past Churchfields Industrial Estate (on your left) - still keeping left turn sharp right and go under a bridge with a small weir under it SU137298 (Pictured below)
River Nadder below Churchfields (SU 137298) small weir under bridge
River Avon at Harnham Bridge
After the Harnham Bridge, pass the Sea Cadets HQ (possible get out at Churchill Gardens SU 149 292). At end of gardens park get out and portage the sluice on your left - going down the left turn in the river towards Southampton Road, A36
R Avon by A36 SU152293
SU158287 By Sewerage works (Angry Man - see above!)
Keep following the main river - generally left past Longford castle and after about 400 yards swing right down weir SU170259 (shoot weir at the very right, down the ramp).
Longford Weir (SU170 259) at lower water levels (and, below, washed out)

Get out a few hundred yards further on - where the road runs alongside the river (near Bodenham) at: SU 170 258

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

An Incident on the Avon

I have just received this report from a local paddler:-

"A group of 4 paddled this today, as we approached Longford Castle we were first approched be a female, who said she worked for the estate and we were not allowed to canoe the river, I informed her I didn't believe she had the right to prohibit kayaking, she informed us she was on the phone & we would be stopped further on. Sure enough a little further on some chap in a fluorescent jacket stopped us. He stated he was a police officer (showed a card that did indeed look like a warrant card) told us we were trespassing and ordered us off the river. I happily offered to discus matters with him at a police station, but as I believed we were not trespassing we would carry on.

A little further on said police officer and another chap were waiting on the river bank, this time the chap with him walked to the river bank and said words to the effect "Next time you come me and my friends with our dogs will be waiting for you, and we'll sort you out." At that point I switched on my camera to movie mode (I know hindsight is wonderful). The supposed policeman assured us his colleagues would be waiting for us at Downton (I assume he meant Police Officers) .

We finished without incident or the boys in blue. I'll pop into my local nick tomorrow and report the threat. Anyone paddling the Avon between Salisbury and Christchurch should be aware the Lord of the manor isn't keen on us kayakers.

He added:-
I've just returned from the local nick.
  1. Seemingly the chap who stopped us was indeed a police officer, he took our names but will take no further action.
  2. The chap who threatened me was a bailiff I think, after a few words from his boss & the police, will probably think twice before repeating that offence.
  3. The police were advised by the EA who suggested that canoeing through the Longford estate was controlled by the Estate, however nothing written was seen, I nudged a copy of Doug Caffyn’s research under his nose.
  4. We came to the conclusion that until something is legally defined both sides will continue as they are. However the police are unlikely to respond to alleged trespass

It's been a year or so since the BBC featured the issue

Saturday, 3 January 2009

A Seal in the Avon

On New Years day 2009 I paddled from Mudeford up to the tidal limit of both the Stour and the Avon

I was fortunate enough to have a close encounter with a seal just at the entrance to the Avon (SZ 162 922) – he popped up next to the sea kayak, gave me a few welcoming snorts and swam around and under the boat before departing. I was so suprised that I forgot to get my camera out - but the above is fairly close

I don’t think I have ever seen seals in Christchurch Harbour before?